To all you parents who have ever wondered what the other side of the bathroom door looks like while you are “escaping” for a few moments of “peace and quiet,” well Ken took this picture for you.
Well, now our life seems to be back on track. The family chore chart has reappeared, which seriously helps me focus, and our evening study schedule is actually written down. I haven’t ever been this structured. I think it’s because back in high school and college I could actually remember things. I’m waiting for those little ads that pop up on face book to start showing memory aids (instead of wrinkle removers - what are they thinking!)
Our year end newsletters have gone out, and should be in mailboxes shortly. We start our new Perspectives Course on Sunday night. This time we are taking it for a grade, so we will actually have to do the work. Thankfully a lot of it should be review for us. Our good friends Bambi and Loren are taking the class with us, so it will be quite different than the last one. Of course, it will be different anyway as we are not expecting to skew the age range quite so much. (Maybe that is where the wrinkle remover ads started...)
Emma and Abigail are up to their usual mischief. In fact I just broke up a silly argument over a ball, and put Abigail in a time out for totally over reacting. I hear this will end when they are about 30. Oh Happy Day! I know, most of you are thinking “Apple doesn’t...” you know the rest.
Our recent trip home to Canada was wonderful. It was great to spend lots of time with Ken’s parents. We also had an opportunity to speak at the church Ken went to as a child. We are so fired up to share about Third Culture Kids, and it was nice to hear many positive responses. We left with the connections to return and hopefully speak at more churches as well. Please pray that we will find all the opportunities God has for us in Canada as well as the USA.
The most recent news - We have purchased tickets for our short trip to Guatemala. Thank you to those who have been faithfully sending in your monthly support - you have helped make this possible. Please pray that we will be successful in all that we need to get done, and that the girls will be OK here at home.
Today’s Temperatures: Home = 12, Guatemala = 68. That is so depressing!