Sunday, March 27, 2016

Blessed Semana Santa

Oh Semana Santa - how we were so glad to see you come... now we are sad to see you leave.

Happy Easter to one and all! Last year at this time (almost exactly) we were in attendance at the Union Church of Guatemala Son Rise Service on the C.A.G. campus. This year, with no Son Rise Service, we took our time getting ready for our Easter service. The Easter Services was really nice. Worship and message were on point. An afternoon of final resting before the final push of the school year.

Easter 2016
I stand amazed that one of the most difficult things for us to accomplish has been to get a "nice" family picture. I've been trying to remember about every Sunday for the past month. Well - finally this morning we were able to accomplish the task.

Just before Semana Santa began Emma had an unfortunate incident with her roller blades and her soccer ball. Apparently, as the story goes, Abigail thought it would be great fun to play soccer whilst wearing roller blades. Needless to say it was not successful. She fell and hurt her wrist. Nothing serious, praise the Lord, but since the pain had not subsided by later that evening we decided to err on the side of caution and took her to one of the ERs in the city.
ER in Eskala Mall
She was a real trooper. Personally speaking the best part of the evening was when the doctor asked her if she wanted her pain med orally or by injection. Unsurprisingly she took it orally.

Backing up to before that Abigail sang a solo at the Middle School Banquet. She sang "Ever Be" and did a fantastic job!

Tuesday we will say goodbye to Joy's father. He has been with us here since the middle of November. It has been tremendous having him here. We will miss him and hope he will have safe travels back to New Hampshire.

Before signing off we wanted to say a heartfelt "thank you" to everyone who continues to support us (prayerfully and financially.) We continue to feel as though we're in the center of God's will here. None of what we do would be possible without our awesome team. Thanks to one and all!
