Saturday, September 3, 2011

Two weeks in... wowzers...

Ok, so we're two weeks into the new school year and well... wowzers... where has the time gone? The first couple weeks have been pretty nuts but that is normal. Emma has been doing a "non-official" pre-k. This was something that Rick, the new director, has been working on as a way to help the faculty with kids in that age group. There are, I believe, three kids in Emma's "class". She has pretty much mastered her primary and secondary colours. I believe Joy said they were learning to spell their names yesterday/today. This week marked the start of an evaluation of a new thing for Abigail. Before the year started we had Abigail "academically tested" by Kelli (the head of the NILD department). Two weeks ago we sat with Kelli and she explained the results. Abigail is ahead in reading and other parts of language arts. To help her they devised a play where she will do 3rd grade LA and all the other 2nd grade work. She is quite excited about this. She earned a 100% on her first 3rd grade spelling test! Joy and I continue to be busy but much less busy than the first week of school. Joy's 5th grade music class are all excited about having band and the other students are loving learning the recorder. One of her students from last year, who had to return to the States this year, wrote to her and talked about his experiences with the choir in his new school. Tomorrow after church we're going to do some grocery shopping then have a cooking date with the Agrellas family. Should be a good day. Until next time. -knme