Sunday, May 24, 2009

On the Market

Our house is officially for sale! We have listed it with a friend from church, and are asking everyone to pray that it would sell quickly. Please pray, also, that God would put just the perfect people in here for our neighborhood. It was a lot of work to get it ready, but now we are basically maintaining it. We do feel a little like slaves to the house, always wanting it to be ready for a sudden showing with kids is a little tricky.

Selling the house will help to reduce our monthly budget. In fact, it brings us to the point of needing $1,000 a month to be at 100%. If we could also sell our van, and vacation club, and make a little money on our yard sale then - hmmm...we could potentially head out for a year at least.

We are, as you know, planning on staying longer than a year though, and thus this would not be our ideal plan. So, please continue praying that God would bring in the monies that we need, that plane ticket prices would stay the same, and that we would be able to leave early in the summer.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

So close

We made a big decision this week. We are going to sell our house. We met with the realtor on Thursday, received our list of things to do (only 2 pages,) and are hoping to list it on Tuesday. Please pray that our house will sell quickly. If we can get out from under the house, and having to put money away in case of emergency with said house, we will be less than $550 monthly away from being able to leave. That's 55 people at $10 a month - I can even do that math!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Talk about ignorant...

First off, we must say (and this has nothing to do with the title) that our trip to Canada was wonderful. We had some great times visiting churches, and are hopeful that we will gain even more members on our prayer and financial teams. It was especially exciting to have the pastor's wife in one church realize that she was a Third Culture Kid. We are not positive, but it seemed that this may have been the first that she realized it.

Our trip home was rather uneventful, though it was EXTREMELY rainy. There were times when it was raining so hard we couldn't see the road signs. We saw one overturned mac truck, but still not a single police officer. Hmmmm.....

Now - for the ignorance. Last night we were talking to a missionary from Spain who is also taking the Perspectives class with us. (2 more homework assignments and we're done!!!) She knew of our work with Third Culture Kids, and even participated in our interviews and DVD curriculum. The evening's class had been about using what we had learned in the class, and of course financial support came up. This missionary told us a story which has got Joy all worked up.

She received correspondence from an MK teacher in Spain that was on home assignment. The teacher was hoping to get letters from parents about how important MK schools have been to them. (We have offered to send the teacher a copy of our video too.) The reason she needs it - one of her supporting churches has decided that all of their missionaries must home school their children. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!

How can a church be so arrogant as to assume they can dictate how their missionaries will provide education for their children? This church obviously does not understand the needs of Third Culture Kids. So many of them need schools, not livingrooms, in order to gain that sense of belonging that is so crucial to children. They obviously don't understand that all children, and parents, are different. Homeschooling (especially on the foreign field) can be extremely difficult and is not for everyone. These children are already isolated in so many ways - why would you force them to be isolated further.

What will happen? Will the missionaries agree to this or will they be forced to lose some ery important support? Please pray that this church will realize that it shouldn't be so dictatorial - and please pray for those children!

OK - enough ranting....