Tuesday, September 24, 2013

These are the Nights

It comes in the places we might not expect it - discomfort, homesickness, loneliness.  Just when we think the girls are adjusting it rears its ugly (yet really beautiful) head - MK reality.

Tonight was a big one.  We took the girls to a program at our sending church, where we have been attending while on home assignment.  There were a lot of kids there.  I am sure that some of them were new, they didn't really know what to do.  One of our girls though, felt like she was the only new kid.  She was the only one in her group who had not already been a part of the program, at this church or a different one (and thus the only one who didn't have a book - or get a book.)  She didn't know the Pledge of Allegiance since we don't say it at our international school.  She didn't know what the procedures and expectations were.  She did know where the bathroom was though, and went there to cry when she got totally overwhelmed.

These are the nights when telling her that being an MK is an amazing opportunity just won't cut it.  These are the nights when she just wants to fit in - and knows that she fits in better with other MKs.  I'm sure that on this home assignment (to a country that is no longer really her home) we are going to have many more "these are the nights" moments, please pray for us and our girls as we get through them together.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Canada Bound...

Coming in early October our family will be heading to visit Kenneth's parents and family in Chester, Nova Scotia. Our dates are not yet chiseled in stone but we're presently thinking 5 to 25 October. While there we're hoping to speak at a couple churches and possibly make new team connections in and around the area.

We've not been to Nova Scotia since Christmas 2011. It is long overdue.