March has come... and march has gone. And where did it go you ask? Why, to Oz - to Oz! We're off to see the Wizard... err, well - no not really.
March was pretty much the "month of Oz". It was fun, it was tiring, it is now behind us. Now, with SemaƱa Santa before us we can try to recharge our batteries for the final stretch.
Oh yes - we had a thrilling day at the US Embassy today. Emma's passport is due to expire in September so we thought we'd be on stick and start the renewal process. And well you see - we got there and then discovered that I'm a ding-bat - and forgot Emma's birth certificate... problem is we don't have it in Guatemala. Luckily they accept copies so I can print the scanned copy of her BC and we're good to go... oh yeah, except since she is at that stage where we're replacing her infant passport they need pictures showing her through the years. Oh... and that isn't on the list of things you need which I printed off the US Embassy's website on March 2nd. So now I have to return to the US Embassy next week to get these final things in for her passport renewal.
Then there is the odyssey with Sara's Social Security Number. The conclusion is... no one seems to know why Sara was denied her SSN, nor does anyone seem to have record of such denial. Whilst waiting for Emma's passport interview Joy popped over to window #1 to ask them about it. She was told she would need to speak with the Social Security department in Costa Rica b/c they're online and Guatemala is not. So, she got to use the secure beige phone to call them directly. Of couse Costa Rica had no record of the denial nor had any open applications for Joy or Sara. So, they said to refile. AHHHHH... you have got to be kidding me. See, this all apparently stemmed from the line on the application where we were asked to put in the last name of the mother (at the time of her birth)... silly us we put WILSON. Then her supporting document, namely her passport, has last name EISNER... duh, they don't match - so, please provide supporting documentation for this change. I have to say my love for governmental bologna is a little stronger after today.
Anyway - the girls are all wonderful. Abigail did surprisingly well for being in the Oz play. During show week she had five nights when she was up to about 11 o'clock.... PM. Emma and Sara did well too, surviving with Daddy. Joy... well, if you saw the play you'd know the amount of work which went into the music. Ken, me, was mostly only used as a tech resource... once the sound was setup our junior Nolan was able to run the whole thing...
We're looking forward to having some time off next week. Joy is going to work on some lesson plans and I plan on roasting coffee. We have lined up some games with friends and thought about taking the girls to see a movie and perhaps the Zoo.
Not much else to talk about so I will say good night.