Thursday, September 17, 2015

E.I.G. Update

Greetings and salutations!

A lot has happened since our last post. School has started and both Joy and I have made short trips to the US.

This year marks a new chapter for C.A.G. We started the year with complete new administration and a lot of new teachers. Teacher turnover is nothing new for an M.K. school but a new administration - that is a different story.

Our former principal did a lot for C.A.G. - and only in his moving on do we see just how much. Mark was, and still is, a great friend and a terrific principal - he left huge shoes to fill. There were challenges but our team got the job done. Many things were learned and we'll be all the stronger the next time around.

Both Joy and I are teaching this year. Joy continues with her normal course load: general music K4 through 5th. Plus high school choir. Plus AP Music Theory. Plus the musical (Peter Pan.) Plus private piano lessons. This year I have added an "Intro to Computer Sciences" course. I _never_ knew how much work it was going to be. Lesson plans, grading, teaching...*sigh*

Abigail is in middle school and learning it is quite a bit different than elementary. She has made a new friend, Julia, who has been a tremendous support for her. Actually, I think it is mutual. Her and Julia are the only girls in the 6th grade until Claire returns in January.

Emma is settling in to her new grade (the 3rd.) She is learning that new teacher means things need to get done a bit different. There wasn't a lot of change in the make up of her class so most of the class dynamics are the same. She has two awesome friends: Catherine and Eve - and they get along really well.

Sara started K4 with her very best friend, Sterling. To our surprise this talkative combination has apparently not caused many disruptions in class. Sara has been a lot more tired at nights - this has been good for us :0)

Bambi & Loren (2012) Panajachel
On August 22nd, a very close family friend, Bambi Schanck, went to be with the Lord. Her passing was sudden and unexpected. Like many others, the news hit our family hard. We were blessed to be able to send Joy there for the memorial service. I was able to come up to spend the past week with Loren. We served with Bambi for at least nine years in various church capacities. Bambi had been to Guatemala to visit us twice. Bambi leaves a legacy of being a dedicated and loving wife, friend, and mentor. Everything she did was done with love and the heart of a true Christ-like servant. Though she leaves huge shoes to fill, she did a tremendous job preparing and training us all to step up and fill them. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Loren and his whole family. We ask you to join us in praying for them as well.

Well, that about sums it up. We thank you all for your continued prayer and financial support. It has been most helpful and truly appreciated.
