Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Flesh and Blood

We had a great weekend in Maine. The people in Rangely were very nice, and it was nice to give our first presentation on Third Culture Kids.
We went to Gordon early for our class Monday so that we could have dinner with a real life, flesh and blood Third Culture Kid. Sam is South Korean, raised in Germany, and currently at school in the states. He is the head of Mu Kappa, an organization for Missionary Kids, and is going to get us in to be able to talk with them, and hear from them - not just a book. We are hoping to be able to establish some relationships and even have some up for the weekend. Most of them don't get off campus on their breaks.
I got to use my 1 Korean word that I had learned, and Sam confirmed that learning some Korean would be a good way to reach out and show that I care. (We'll let Ken learn Spanish first!)

We just made a new purchase tonight to help with the new TCK angle of our ministry. So many people have questions, we thought a website would be the best way to condense our information. So coming soon will be www.eisnersinguatemala.com.


Anonymous said...

You two must have truly enjoyed your dinner with Sam... Praise God for His answer to prayer, you're on your way at last. It's nice to see you saturating yourselves in His will and exciting to hear and feel your passion for TCK's...!!!

With all my love and so much more,

Unknown said...

Hi Joy,

I'm the founder of TCKID.com, I stumbled upon your blog, and wanted to thank you for your efforts and passion for TCKs.

What kind of ideas for games and trivias do you have?

We have thousands of TCKs who could use your help in the community, and I invite you to get involved.

We also have a Facebook group of 16,000 TCKs. If you want to get in touch with local TCKs, please let me know.

We could use your help!

Thanks again for all your great work,


P.S: I actually stumbled upon your blog because someone told me you've copied one of our posts there without permission, but then I noticed you're really passionate and I felt the need to thank you for good work. :)