Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Enough Already

The snow may be deep, our snow blower may be broken, we may lose Emma in a snow drift...but, we can look at it all with the hopes that next winter we won’t even see a shovel, or a snowflake, or need heat in our houses, or...the list goes on!
I know, we wrote that we were dreaming of a green Christmas, but white is certainly better than brown.  At least that’s what I was telling myself 2 feet of snow ago.  This is ridiculous!!!  I feel like sending our friends in Guatemala a postcard that reads “Wish we were there!”

For those of you who don’t live in NH, or New England in general, count your blessings.  This has been a crazy winter (before it was even officially winter.)  It all started with the Ice Storm back on December 11.  50% of NH was without power for days, and some still are.  We, thankfully never lost our power, so we opened up our home to our cold, powerless, friends and family.  That was actually lots of fun.

Abigail and Emma had great fun playing with their friends.   Abigail, not used to playing with boys that much, adjusted well ... actually she still did the things she normally does, she just changed the wording.  For example, we didn’t eat Magic Fairy Wands (breadsticks) we ate Knight swords.  And we didn’t play dress-up, we played “The Knight Saves the Princess.” 

Needless to say, Guatemala’s warmth is looking really good right now - but we sure are glad to be home for the holidays!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kernels and Cookies

Earlier this week Emma decided to mix her chocolate pudding, corn, and cheese pizza all together.  Oops, Mommy forgot she had never fed herself pudding before (unsupervised.)  I was listening for problems, not watching for them...Abigail’s laughter alerted me to the situation.
Some of you may remember the exploding popcorn bag incident.  Well, the kernel art pictures have arrived!  Can you guess which one is Emma’s?  She mostly wanted to eat the kernels, crafts aren’t yet her thing.

Thanks to the ice storm thing we are having, we had a family night in.  We decided it would be a good idea to start our Christmas baking.  

It took a little while, as the recipe was already packed away - 
glad to finally locate that box - but we managed to bake 4 dozen butter milk cookies tonight.  

It was truly a family affair.  Emma thought she was the queen of the kitchen, and she was only a little upset that she didn’t have her own apron. Abigail was really excited thto use her own rolling pin that Grammy and Grampa got her last year. (We don’t roll things often!)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Time Wanted

26 hour days would be good. The web site is on the list of things to do, it's just not as high a priority as so many other things. Lately our top thing has been taking care of the children. Go figure. If they could cook their own food, drive themselves to school, etc...we would have so much more time (HeHe...)

Please pray that Joy gets enough time to practice for her upcoming performance. 9 days to go, and she still hasn't learned all the music. (Shh...maybe no one will notice.)