Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kernels and Cookies

Earlier this week Emma decided to mix her chocolate pudding, corn, and cheese pizza all together.  Oops, Mommy forgot she had never fed herself pudding before (unsupervised.)  I was listening for problems, not watching for them...Abigail’s laughter alerted me to the situation.
Some of you may remember the exploding popcorn bag incident.  Well, the kernel art pictures have arrived!  Can you guess which one is Emma’s?  She mostly wanted to eat the kernels, crafts aren’t yet her thing.

Thanks to the ice storm thing we are having, we had a family night in.  We decided it would be a good idea to start our Christmas baking.  

It took a little while, as the recipe was already packed away - 
glad to finally locate that box - but we managed to bake 4 dozen butter milk cookies tonight.  

It was truly a family affair.  Emma thought she was the queen of the kitchen, and she was only a little upset that she didn’t have her own apron. Abigail was really excited thto use her own rolling pin that Grammy and Grampa got her last year. (We don’t roll things often!)

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