Friday, October 23, 2009

Blessed be the name!

Wow, I knew from the start of the year that our choir would be good, but I had no idea how good. They really pulled together and sang their hearts out in chapel yesterday. For me, though, the best part was how well received they were by their peers. Especially with music, peers can be a difficult audience, but not so yesterday. As the choir sang its last note, some of the students jumped to their feet clapping and there were many screaming members of the audience. It brought tears to my eyes! I am really proud of this group, and I think we have a wonderful year ahead of us!
This is a video, though incomplete, of their performance yesterday - hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What a weekend!

After Bambi and Elaine arrived... and slept... just a bit... we packed up our borrowed van and headed off to Panajachel. The drive up was pleasant as most of the construction we "endured" in our August trip was complete. The drive up to about 2.5 hours.

We ate a the Sunset Cafe the first night and then played games to relax. The next day we headed out on the boat over to Santiago where we visited the local church. Very odd... it was my first trip there and I can now understand a lot of the comments I heard from previous trip members. After returning from Santiago we ate supper at the hotel and again turned in for a relaxing game night.

The next day we got off to a slow start but still managed a visit to the Butterfly farm and did the hike up the mountain to see the spider monkeys. The return trip took longer because we were coming down the mountain and hit Chimaltenango at dusk.

A good time was had by all. Joy might add more to this tonight.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Safe Arrival

This is just a quick note to let everyone know that Bambi and Elaine have arrived safely with all bags and things with them.

They said they had not problems on their trip.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

To see or not to see

After a long day of working on school stuff, we arrived at church tonight ready and rearing to go for Kids Bible Club. We had a really cool craft planned...Joseph's coat (markers, water, coffee filters, hair dryers.) As I was going over the lesson with my helpers, the power went out. Normally it comes back on in about 5 minutes or so, well tonight it stayed out.
It was pretty neat, we had church by candlelight (without fear of fire ordinances,) put the girls to bed by candlelight, got ourselves ready by candlelight, and then the power came back on.
We did have one thought on the way home from church. Our guard gate is going all high tech later this month, with face recognition stuff and all. As we pulled up tonight to the gate, all was dark. They have NO generator. How do they expect to keep that all high tech stuff running during an outage, huh? We'll see what happens.
Or, we won't see, guess that sort of depends on how dark it is...

And in case anyone is interested, we are in the process of updating the film and global pages of our website, and we will try to keep up with them better.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Magic Seed

There are so many reasons we would like to stay in this neighborhood, one of the biggest is our gate guard and his family. He is SO good with our girls, in the small ways. Today Abigail planted a seed in a cup, hoping to grow a mispero tree. (They have really yummy fruits which I don't know the English name of.) Well, fancy that - the tree is already two inches high. Apparently Francisco found a sapling and came over after dark and put it in the cup for her. She is going to freak out in the morning.
On the same line of liking their family, please pray for them. They don't make very much money here, even though they work all day, and their son Maynor needs to start school soon. If they can't find a school in the area that they can afford (which they don't think they can) Alba (wife) and Maynor will have to move back to their home town 3 hours away or so while Francisco stays here to work. We are going to be helping them do some research when we have time, and are praying that they are able to stay together. Please join us in that prayer.
Well, off to bed (even though it's only 8 - how lame is that!)