Friday, December 25, 2009

Feliz Navidad! Happy Birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas to all from Guatemala! As we type this it is 2am, and there are still fireworks sounding in the distance. Tradition here is a bit different, they celebrate at midnight, much like on New Year's Eve. It was amazing! The fireworks started at least an hour before this video, and lasted constantly until 12:15. Now we understand why Joy's student who went on furlough just before Christmas was so upset about not being here for this. Who needs snow???
Hope you have a blessed day!

Now it is 7am, and the girls are already up. How is this possible? They were up to 1 am. It's going to be a long day. But our favorite quote of the day so far is by Abigail: (During stocking opening) "Oh, yes, I've always wanted one of these....what is it?

Merry Christmas!


grampa & grammy said...

Yeah, so what is it?????????

bambi said...

Now that's a Birthday celebration!!!\
I think the goodwin/schancks mey have to try that next year! How do you think the neighborhood will respond? Merry Christmas Ken here is your Egg Nog!!!!!!
Love ya!! All!!