Monday, August 30, 2010

Catch Up

Every time I realize we should update the blog I'm either 1/2 asleep, 1/4 awake, or no where near the computer. Tonight I was convinced I wasn't going to let that happen again.

Last time we were overjoyed to see (again) two of our three boxes we shipped back on 8 July! With minimal casualties we considered them major successes and awaited the next arrival.

Well... Monday was the first day of school -- and all things considered it went remarkably well. The school principal was feverishly working on getting the students schedules set and Ken was helping where possible. Joy was still working out of a suite case in Ken's office because her new classroom wasn't done (until Tuesday). The last of the new school books arrived the same time as our first two boxes so Joy (and other teachers) had spent a large chunk of the weekend planning her curriculum.

Tuesday and Wednesday were not too bad with one exception - Abigail had had some difficulties in school and had her "clip" moved to yellow. Thursday we had a very good meeting with her teacher where we encouraged to hear how overall Abigail was actually doing very well in class and that the clip movement was a precaution to ensure the teacher still had discipline. Now, given my current tired-state this may not make a whole lot of sense but please rest assured that Joy and I are in full agreement and understanding with the teacher.

The week ended on a good note as Joy had had her first auditions for the Charlie Brown musical and was very excited by the prospects of casting AND Abigail had ended the week with two consecutive "green clip days".

Emma has mostly been along for the ride. She started her homeschooling -- err, a misnomer because she is being schooled at her way-cool desk in Daddies office with Mommy.

As I recall it was also Thursday when box number three arrived... and then it sat in our garage until Sunday. Joy had audition call backs Saturday afternoon and a drama planning meeting Sunday afternoon. Ken wrestled with the girls, did some cleaning around the house and took a nap (shhh, Joy doesn't know).

Oh yeah, Saturday night around bath time we emptied one of our gas tanks so there was no hot water for the girls bath -- not to worry because we had a spare tank... yeah right. In the nozzle of the tank is a small rubber gasket-like-thing which ensures a tight seal so no gas escapes. Well, apparently they come in tight and really tight sizes. We needed the tight size, however, were blessed with the really tight gasket. Bottom line: really tight rubber gasket = no gas because hose nozzle don't fit = no hot water = no gas range (electric stove, ok) = no shower before church Sunday morning :0/

After Joy's drama planning meeting we went over to chez Hanken for supper (delicious chili and cinnamon rolls) and a hot shower/bath. Life was good.

Today marked the beginning of week number two of school. Gas guy came and changed really tight rubber gasket for a tight rubber gasket (w00t!) The night before we had quickly pulled everything out box 3 and put it in the house so after school today Ken assembled Joy's piano and our futon -- ah the comforts of home! Joy had her first batch of rehearsals today and was really encouraged. She feels like she might end up with less work in the end than originally thought. Abigail had her clip moved to yellow again today. We ask for prayer for her as she continues to have some difficulty adjusting to a new teacher and new expectations.

Well... I think that is all... umm... yep -- goooood night!


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