Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Picture day? Whooops...

So our noble cause this morning was picture day.

I (Kenneth) got up at 5:40am and blew through the shower. I took considerable care to make sure every hair was in place. On the way through to get Abigail I poked the pregnant sleeping beauty (life in own hands, I realize).

Abigail was unusually pleasant with the idea of the "bower" (Daddy's cross between a bath and a shower). I literally scooped her up and placed her in the tub. One squeaky clean girl later we were getting her dressed. Beautiful dress on, teeth brushed, hair combed, smile on... ready!

Emma, pre-"bowered" from the night before, gets dressed because she gets to hang out with Daddy this morning.

Upstairs we all go for breakfast... Abigail spills a little bit of milk on her dress... no big deal (recalls some famous saying about spilled milk).

Lunch packed after considerable distress at the idea of having her first sandwich in over two weeks -- oh the agony. Compromise: left over rice, corn, and crock-pot-chicken -- ok, we're happy now. Her sandwich will have to wait for another day.

Dog out, kids in car, computer in car, 'rents in car -- all set and ready for take off. Not bad, only 10 minutes late. We're in good shape. Have to be to school for 7:30 for staff picture. Normal 10 minute drive -- 20 minutes in the morning due to traffic. Departure time: 7:15... *sigh*

Oh yeah, elementary picture day is tomorrow -- no time to change Abigail now... off we go.


Oh why do they have to come down the two lane road (one lane coming and one lane going) side-by-side?! I mean there are two lanes: one for us and two for them? What?!

Oh yeah... today was pizza day for Abigail... *sigh*, serious?


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