Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hello and Goodbye Intermissions

We're home!

Last week was a short week. We had Monday off (Mid-Winter Break) and then 1/2 day on Friday due to Intermissions. "What is Intermissions?" you ask. Well, Intermissions is a conference for any and all missionaries in Guatemala. It is a time of spiritual recharging. There is a worship band and a guest speaker.

Also, servant teams fly in from the States to pamper us missionaries for a two day period. These pamperings take the form of manicure, pedicure, massage (body or cranial), hair cutting 101, and child care. They have ministries for couples and singles. They have various short seminars on a wide range of topics. They have child care (can't say this too many times). And the food... food, food and more food.

Well, we had a wonderful time. This year, like last year, Intermissions was held in Panajachel - AKA "The Lake". The drive up (with Richard, Jean, Jordan and Rachel) took a little over three hours with a stop at Charlie and Pats for "cleanup, isle 'E'" as poor Emma threw up in Chimaltenango. The ride back was slightly less exciting as, thankfully, no one threw up but Sara screamed for a good portion of Mud-slide-ville.

This Intermissions marked the one year anniversary of our family hooking up with the Logan family. This family-relationship-dynamic has been wonderful for Joy and I and (of course) Abigail and Emma. The kids play so very well together and us Adults... well, we just enjoy getting into trouble. Enough said...


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