Monday, March 14, 2011

Residency Update

Sorry for the delay in issuing an update.

Last Friday we had our residency appointment at the Guatemalan immigration office. All went well... for the most part. We left the school at 8:05 and arrived at the office at 8:30. Rock on!

At 8:50 we hit a hiccup. Jose, the school's messenger who accompanied us, was doing the final-final check. At this time we discovered we did not have our pictures. Now-- we had our pictures but did not have them with us. The day before I had given them a friend at school who had handled these types of things in the past -- to be sure the pictures were satisfactory. He had put them on his desk, right next to the passports which he was going to copy. Jose did not know our pictures were there so when he went into grab the passports he missed them -- honest mistake. We neglected to check before leaving -- our bad.

In the end Jose rushed back to school to get them. By the time he returned we were just getting through the preliminary interview. The process was pretty painless but since there were four of us (Joy, me, Abigail, Emma) they had to do four separate applications.

Now we're back to a waiting game -- they say eight days to the next step (not entirely sure what that is).

On a side note: I (Ken) "taught" my first official class last week. Don't get too excited -- I merely subbed for the 6th grade science teacher, who was away at an ACSI conference. We did review for a chapter test so it wasn't too stressful. The kids were awesome... can't complain, really.

Well, that is all for now...


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