Monday, May 28, 2012

2011/2012 Academic Year now in the books

Finally, this school year is complete. We await final grades but overall most everything is done. This is exciting! Now we can take a few deep breaths.

Next up for us is the arrival of Loren and Bambi from Dover Baptist. We're super excited to have good friends from our home church come to visit. It has been nearly eighteen months since our last visitors.

Abigail will resume piano lessons this month - but with a new teacher. This will be very challenging for her because her new teacher is Korean... and doesn't speak any English... and only marginal Spanish.

Emma is anxiously awaiting the start of Kinder... still. She is a bit bummed that she will have to dress in "standard attire". She has been rather used to dressing herself lately and so we're expecting a few fashion battles once August comes.

Joy will be beginning revisions to her various curriculums. She was approved yesterday to submit plans or an "AP" music theory class. Also, her grand plans for student-teaching-elementary was approved. This will be an awesome opportunities for some of her upper-class students who have expressed an interest in majoring in Music Education.

I (Ken) am now getting my detailed summer plans ready to hand off to Edgard. He will be doing the bulk of the system changes and upgrades while I am in New York. I'm super excited for this opportunity. For me the funny thought of the week is this: after Tuesday I won't need to set my alarm for 5:20am... rather, I can sleep in to 5:45 when Sara will be sure to have me up...*sigh*

On a sad note - the season of "goodbyes" has begun. Today we said goodbye to the Miller family. They are returning to the States after many years serving here. There will be a few more goodbyes this week as it is now the season for folks to return to the States. Please be in prayer for our family as a lot of these goodbyes will be difficult for us and our children.

Overall we're pleased with this year. It was fun and exciting... but challenging and frustrating at the same time. Satan tested us but the Lord had the victory and the glory.


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