Monday, January 21, 2013

MailChimp - What is that?

Those of you who have signed up to get our news letter through e-mail should soon be seing something... it is going to look something like a mail chimp.

Excuse me, a what? A mail chimp. If it works out well then the credit all goes to Dover Baptist Church... if it doesn't work out well please let me know, not them.

There are two primary reasons we haven't been sending out newsletters: (1) time and (2) cost

Time. Well, it takes a lot of it to craft the perfect letter, format it well and send it off to CTen for distribution. By the way here is my plug for CTen - they're amazing folks. They do all the printing, folding, stuffing - EVERYTHING. But before they get it we need to make sure it is a quality product. That was hard when we were trying to fit everything into one single side page (one double side if necessary.) That was because of...

Cost. This is not an unreasonable cost at all but it is a cost which we have not always been able to put a way each month. This is why our letters have become more and more, uh... sparse. When we started CTen wanted us to do monthly letters. However, we thought quarterly newsletters would be sufficient. After seeing the cost of the first few newsletters we scaled back to two letters. Now we are considering other options.

Segue nicely into Mail Chimp. I first saw Mail Chimp when Dover Baptist sent out their news letter using it. I was, frankly, amazed. Of course I first thought, "wow, that is costing them a pretty penny." Actually, no. I don't believe it is costing them much (if anything.)

So, we're back to time. This is time we really need to invest in you - our supporters. Without you we would not be here.

What will this mean for all of you? Well, simple. If you filled out the form on our blog to receive our news letters by e-mail then you do not need to do anything. If you have not yet had chance to fill out the form you can still do so by visiting this link. We have some e-dresses of other supporters which we will use to subscribe them to our e-letter. If those folks do not wish to be on the list they can chose to unsubscribe.

If you still desire to receive a paper copy of our newsletter please send us an e-mail and we can make that happen.

In Christ,


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