Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Weekly Update

Greetings y'all,

Life continues to be unboring. Now, I know this is not a real word because my editor underlined it in red. I'm ignoring it because I feel it should be a word. Now that is off my chest let me explain.

God has put it upon Joy's heart to introduce a new program - it started as a children's choir for the city of San Cristóbal, however, after meeting with the C.A.G. administration team they decided to focus it, for now, within C.A.G. as a children's choir (grades three through six) with an established mission statement and specific rules and requirements. Joy was very pleased with the outcome and is very excited where this is heading. Auditions were held this past Monday. There were twelve students total. This was fantastic.

Last Thursday night we had a call from a friend of ours, Steven. His daughter is one of Emma's friends... the same friend and father who took her with their family to Xocomil right after we returned to Guatemala. His wife is in the States and he had a team coming in country on Saturday. He was wondering if we could help out with getting Catherine to and from school while he was out of town with the team. We knew that wasn't going to work (with our schedule) so we offered to take her until 10 February when her mom returns from the States. This has been good for the girls to have Catherine around. Her personality has helped to balance our kids nicely.

Sara is doing fantastic at potty training. I think she'll have this thing nailed by the time our last pack of pull ups runs out. She only uses pull ups at night time and only has "accidents" once-in-a-while... Praise the Lord!

We are still single-car right now which has made our transport schedule a bit hectic - but we're managing. Really only is a challenge when we have to leave school and go here for the girls then back to school for Joy then home for supper.

At our local church their regular sound tech was involved in a motor cycle accident last week. I (Ken) was asked at 7:50am on Sunday morning to setup and do sound for the first service... service started at 8:15am. It was a bit crazy but by the end of the service the Lord was praised and everything went ok. I rather enjoy working with the sound stuff. It really is fun.

Thanks to all our faithful prayer and financial supporters! Without your support none of this would be possible. Our financial support was up a bit from last month, which has helped a lot. Beyond that we do feel your prayer support too. Every morning at 5:15am, when I get out of bed I know someone is or has been praying...  ;9)

Well, that is all for now.

Stay warm everyone!


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