Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Days Come and Days Go

When asked recently, "what's new?" I was forced to reply with, "Oh, nothing - same as before." Unlike some other missionaries, who split their time between C.A.G. and another mission, we are here for C.A.G. and the students/families therein. This is where God wants us and we're doing what we feel God wants us to be doing. We remain thankful to the numerous people and churches who continue to support us, both financially and prayerfully, so that we can remain here doing this important work.

We certainly applaud the other missionaries who are splitting their time. For sure they are reaching and helping different peoples and accomplishing many great and wonderful things for the Kingdom - and that is wonderful. They are where God wants them doing what they feel God wants them to be doing.

I believe I have figured out why we do not blog more often. There are not a lot of variances in our day-to-day activities. We rise, get ready for school, go to school, sit in traffic, do our various after-school-things, come home, do homework, get ready for bed, go to bed and sleep. Repeat. Oh, I forgot eat...

However, that said there are a couple things which some folks might find interesting: I continue to facilitate some street hockey on the weekends. We had an excellent turnout last weekend with four families. Great fun! Abigail participated in the recent Guatemalan Independence Day celebrations by performing a poem (en EspaƱol!) She was fantastic! Joy is continuing preparations for the upcoming musical. Emma continues to sing and dance (and from time-to-time chop people down with her light-sabre.) Sara has been with a low-grade fever for a couple days so we are nursing her back to health as best we can (rest & liquids.)

Not much else going on in these parts.
Blessings and Thanks to all!


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