Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm dreaming of a green Christmas

I just can't take another white one, it's so much easier to shovel rain. I remember being in FL once around Christmas, and my cousins were talking about going to the beach - that was so strange to a native New England girl. Now, it sounds delightful. Somehow when I grew up and had to shovel snow lost its allure.
All that is to say that we are hoping to be in Guatemala before Christmas. Our new target leave date is on (or the weekend before) December 1st. We would like to start teaching when school starts up again in second semester. Getting there at the beginning of December allows time for Ken to go to language school, and me to furnish the house. I'm hoping it won't take me a whole month to shop for furniture, but you never know. Maybe I will whittle some all on my own, or let the girls do it. (Wait - that could be dangerous.)

Our pastor recently said something about no longer using the term "raising" support, but yet "discovering" support. I really like that term. We know that God wants us in Guatemala and that he has the means to get us there. He is choosing to do that by allowing others to support us. We are praying fervently that all of our support will come in quickly. We know that there are many out there planning on supporting, that just haven't gotten around to mailing in their response card. It is reassuring to know that those people are out there, yet we can't figure their support into our totals until our agency has the paper in hand. They don't need the money until we leave (or leave our jobs rather), just the paper saying it will come. Please join us in praying that those people will send their cards in quickly.

Blessings. I'm off to keep up with my recent addiction, the Olympics.


Anonymous said...


I like the new term "discovering" your support. It can be taken 2 ways I believe... Discovering someone has supported you and your family, and someone Discovering they have been called by our Lord to support a family who is serving Him:)

Well I know your dreaming of a green Christmas, but I am dreaming of a white Christmas...I do look forward to the snow and watching the children play. I'm anxious to see Isaiah for the first time discovering the wonders of winter! If you are still here for Christmas I will enjoy a day in the snow with your family, and if indeed you are in Guatemala for Christmas I'll send a big box of "white stuff" for the girls to jump in.

Dreaming right along side of you:)
praying too...

I love you very much,

Anonymous said...

I'm praying with you. I want to come visit you while there is white stuff here on the ground. And bring you whatever you need from here. it's hard being one place with your heart in another. At least your loved ones are with you, unlike soldier parents whose hearts and bodies are in Iraq and loved ones in the US!! In other words no matter how down one is there is always some 'downer'!!