Monday, September 21, 2009

Overdue update

Greetings and salutations everyone,

This update is long overdue. That is not to say that a lot has happened since 10 September but you know.

Saturday, 12 September we went to watch the school basketball game and then went over to the Woodby's house. They were having some computer issues so they asked me (Ken) to have a look at them. We turned it into dinner. They have two awesome boys who seemed to enjoy keeping the reigns on our two girls. We returned home late so we slept in Sunday morning and skipped morning church (shhhh!)

We went to "The Gathering" in the evening. It was the start of "Kids Bible Club" (KBC), a ministry Joy and Abigail thought up for the kids aged 3 to 6 at "The Gathering".

Tuesday, 15 September, was Guatemalan Independence day and thusly we had the day off. The Woodby's hosted a party. Again, much fun was had by all. I (Ken) had the opportunity to test my grilling skills over a charcol grill. Nothing was burned too badly except for one hamburger. The chicken was a bit hit -- thanks and credit be to Sherry Woodby for the family recipe.

Thursday night we had Elementary Open House. Joy and Abigail made some national styled flags for the cookie contest. They were delicious! Friday night we had Robert and Jonathan Loveall for a sleep-over. The kids seemed to have a lot of fun.

Saturday was pretty laid back. Joy worked with Deana and her girls on planning this weeks KBC. Sunday was a different story -- somewhat. Poor Emma woke up at 6:30a complaining that her stomach hurt. When I asked her and Abigail to go in and gently wake up Mommy... well... she threw up on our bedroom floor (good morning Mommy). She then threw up three more times before 9a. Emma and I (Ken) stayed home from morning church while Abigail and Joy got a ride with the Larimers.

Emma and I watched the ending of three different movies Sunday morning. We caught the last 45 minutes of "Surfs Up", then the last 30 minutes of "Garfield", and finally (she slept through) the last 30 minutes of "The Thunderbirds". Then we watched the Pats lose to the Jets.

Joy and Emma stayed home from "The Gathering" while Abigail and I (Ken) went. It was a good night all around.

Well... that about catches everyone up. Nothing too exciting but yet exciting enough.

Blessings to everyone.


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