Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cloned... *sigh*

So imagine my confusion this morning, whilst I was updating our bills, when our online bank statement said we withdrew money from our checking account at 10pm on 6/22.... and then again at 8:57pm on Monday night?!


Imagine my surprise (or lack there of) when I checked with Joy and she knew nothing about it either. Apparently one of our fine establishments here in Guatemala took some extra liberties and cloned my credit card. The toll? As it stands presently just over $517 missing...

I spent time talking with our bank, State Farm, walking through the details of what we need to do next. Obviously, my card has been flagged and canceled. There will be contestation papers awaiting us in NH when we arrive next week. We don't use Joy's card very often so they kept it active.

Oh the funs of life...


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