Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Survival is for the Fittest, eh?

It is Wednesday, day number four without Joy - who is teaching at a Guatemalan music camp in a nearby town.

When asked, "how you doing without Joy?", I've been responding with, "oh, we're surviving." My hat goes off to any and all single parents, or parents whose situation results in one parent carrying the bulk of the load for any period of time.

Parenting is difficult at the best of times... ok, nap time is normally a pretty good time. In our case the shoe is on the other foot from April when I was in NY and Joy was here with the kids.

Praise the Lord for the Rivera Family who have offered to take the girls today. I will keep Sara and take her to the Canadian Embassy to submit her Canadian Citizenship documents - Oh, yes, we know how to have a good time in our family.


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