Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The "Odyssey" Continues

We are still without a "new" vehicle - but do not despair.

Last time I wrote about another Odyssey Joy and I looked at on Saturday. Well, on Monday Cesar, our mechanic, and I went to look at it. Cesar was awesome. He checked everything except, because we did not have the correct adapter, the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs.) He said it does need some routine maintenance but otherwise he likes it. "Better to get a car that has had no crashes but needs maintenance due to age rather than a car with a history of crashes." They, the company, have accepted our Sienna as a trade in.

We were hoping to return today to read the diagnostic trouble codes and, if the codes are clean, buy the van, however, the bank needs extra time to clear the deposit to our Guatemalan account. The money should be ready tomorrow, however...

Tomorrow we have two appointments at the US Embassy and then another at the Canadian Embassy for passport and immigration items. So we cannot go tomorrow. Friday we have a missions team from Keswick Christian Academy performing a concert in the afternoon - so I'm needed to provide sound tech. Friday is out.

So early Saturday morning, Lord willing, we will head over with Cesar to do the final DTC reading and buy it.

Possibly not a moment too soon. Today, on the way to school, the check engine light in our Mazda started blinking. I took the car to Cesar and he read the diagnostic trouble codes - we knew about the one for the O2 sensor, however, it had three other codes which basically do not exist in any DTC database we could find... Cesar said that when a car starts making up trouble codes it is a sign that the on-board computer is having issues. Fantastic!

The time between now and Saturday is going to be a test of our patience. We remain firm in our belief that this is in God's hands and will be according to His schedule. If the company sells the Odyssey before Saturday then so be it - God's will be done.

Well, that is it for now. Hopefully another post on Saturday.


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