Thursday, June 26, 2008

So, when are you guys leaving?

Hmmm...That's a good question. "When God want us to" is the simple answer. As many of you know the school where we will be serving in our primary ministry is having new teacher orientation on August 8. We were hoping that God wanted us to be there for that, but apparently that is not the case.
We want to finish well here in the states, and thus Kenneth wants to give the 30 days notice that has been requested of him. It is also very important for us to visit his family in Canada before we move. Through prayer and consultation we are currently waiting until we have 75% of our monthly support pledged before we move on this.
So, at this point we will be leaving about 40 days after we have pledges for that 75%.

Thank you for caring about our family. We appreciate receiving encouraging comments from you.
Please pray that people in this area will receive their ministry letters soon. (Especially since we are getting ready to mail the next one...wouldn't it be funny if people got that one first!)

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