We've got it!!!!! Until now, we had a job title, description, whatever you want to call it - but didn't really feel settled in it. Then, Joy stood at the polls with Susanna Groen (holding signs for her Dad - who unfortunately lost), and Susanna started the ball rolling. She was telling Joy about a book she was reading called Third Culture Kids, which relates to the work we are going to be doing. So, Joy asked to borrow the book. After only a few pages it clicked - The Eisners are (drumroll please......) *TaDa* Missionaries to Third Culture Kids. It's perfect and it is exactly what God has called us to.
Now, some of you are saying - What on earth is a Third Culture Kid? Here it is in a nutshell.
A Third Culture Kid (TCK) is anyone who has spent a significant part of their childhood living in a culture other than their parents'. The TCK builds a relationship with both cultures (or all if there are more than 2), but doesn't really feel like they belong in any of them. They get their sense of belonging from being with other TCKs.
DingDingDing - went the bells in our heads. That is who we will be working with. We won't be working only with Missionary Kids (MKs) as 1/4 of the kids at our school are not MKs. A Third Culture Kid is anyone who spent that time in another culture - children of businessmen, diplomats, military, random people who just want a warmer climate - and those are the kids that go to Christian Academy Guatemala. They are our mission field!
So, when you tell others about our ministry (and help us to spread the word!) please tell them - The Eisners are raising support to begin their new service as Missionaries to Third Culture Kids. (Just make sure you know what a TCK is for when you get asked!)
This must be very exciting to the 2
of you!!
Once again I'm amazed by God's craftiness, but really I shouldn't be amazed... I should have just known!!
Thanks for posting I do enjoy visiting your blog:)
Still praying:) I love U
Aha I was just thinking Ken is already 3rd culture!! And your kiddos will be... what 5 culture kids? Canadian/American/Guatemalan and the in betweens or combos if I read this right!
Missionaries to Third Culture kids sounds alot harder than to MKs!!
That's great!!!! I'm so excited; there is such a need for that, and I think it's easy for people to just focus on MKs and miss all the other types of TCKs. What an amazing mission field.
And is the TCK book by Dave Pollock? Because I think we have a copy (or more like 5 copies), too.
That's awesome that God has placed that on your heart. I eventually want to be involved in TCK ministry, too, either in the US (helping them readjust to US life, or prepare for the mission field) or overseas (like you guys!).
LOVE, Stacia
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