First off, let's set this straight - this is Joy writing - thus the title....if it were Ken that wouldn't work because his parents are so much younger than mine. Sorry, but it's the truth.
So - I think it would have been good before moving to get a crash course on life in my parent's day. Things like ice boxes, which our gate guard still uses. I now always have ice on hand for him to "borrow," since how are you supposed to make ice without a freezer.
Then there was this cleaning the carpet thing. I was outside washing down our new stroller, thanks to friends, and the guard comes over to help. In addition to helping he was determined to clean the carpet that we just had laying around in the garage. (A bit hard to clean without a good vacuum.) So we cleaned it by hand, a new experience for me - but I imagine maybe something my parent's may have seen. We laid it out on the driveway, soaked it down, swept it off with a broom, soaked it down, poured soap on it, worked it in with a broom, soaked it down, swept the soap out of the fibers, soaked it down, repeat ad nauseum. I finally decided it was clean enough and came in to get a drink (it is darn hot out there today!) As I was sitting down I heard the hose going again (an addition from my parent's time) - apparently I hadn't cleaned it up to Francisco's standards. Oh well.....Now I know the fine art of washing a carpet with a broom. ( that I think of it brooms are very versatile, they also use them as mops here by just wrapping a towel around the base. In fact, we bought a real mop and it has never been used.)
Actually, we used to hang them over the clothes line and beat them with a special tool. No water. Did not get them clean, just got the dirt out.
Oops, Mom just informed me that we are still using the our same vacuum cleaner for over 50 years now. They don't make them that way anymore.
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