Saturday, November 14, 2009

Website Not Going to be Renewed

Last November we created "", and tried to use it for our blog and keeping you all updated. But we quickly found that it was not nearly as convenient as the blogspot tool here. We've not updated it in a couple months now.

Well, we've decided not to renew our main website (, in favor of saving the money and continuing to use the (free) blogspot site.

What does that mean for you? Well, if you read our blogs here then there should be no change for you -- unless you get to the blog (IE you bookmarked it) through the website.

You want to make sure your bookmark for our blog is as follows: That's it, it is that simple.

Joy is off scrap-booking with other CAG mom's this morning. I (Ken) am home with the girls... they're begging me for some wrestling time. I guess I should go throw them around for a bit.


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