Friday, February 22, 2008

Our head in the clouds!

Literally, yesterday we went up to the school Chuchuca to take pictures and attend a pastors conference. Chuchuca is at 7,000 feet and COLD! The students had sweaters and gloves on during school - rememember there is no heat here. It was a great trip, we had awesome tamales for lunch, and now we will be able to have prayer cards for all of those students too. The driving was a little scary, we had about 0 visibility and there were still walkers and bikers on the road. Thanks to God we all made it back safely.
These pictures are of the clouds and the fire on which our lunch was cooked, oh - and a little girl named Dorcas (some of you will get that!)


wilsoninthewoodshop said...

OK, could have been Dorcas, we get the point.

Elaine and Pete said...

OK....I'm intrigued!
What is the Dorcas connection?

Wachel said...

I get the Dorcas connection :-)
I love you Joy!

CheriJon said...

As Dan and I have told you so may times before, you're welcome.

Carrie Terry said...

I know that Dorcas is a name in the bible...I'm just as intrigued as Elaine!

How was church service this morning? Did the girls do better then last week?

I'm missing my dearest friend...only a few more days to go. Are we still on for Saturday? See you soon...enjoy your last week.

love to all, Carrie & Family

jre said...

For any of you who don't know - my brothers saved me from a lifetime of despair when they stopped my parents from naming me Dorcas. I am forever indebted!