So, I started the computer work this morning. The computers in the main office need some work. Of the six computers in the office, three are "relatively new", one is about seven or eight years old and the last twi are probably close to general failure. The three decent desktops are in desparate need of memory... d-e-s-p-a-r-a-t-e. One needs a new power unit. The components for these computers, if bought in the States would be about $180. We are going to see if we can cover some of these repairs from the surplus of our support.
Sadly, both Becky's and Andrew's laptops are nearing the end of their lives. I believe Becky's can be repaired... err... that is to say I believe its life can be extended with some repairs too.
Tomorrow I start looking at the five other computers they want setup. My quick assessment determined that these computers are about six to eight years old. I have been told that they all run and have already been loaded with software. I need to set them up and run the wires to network them with the rest of the system. I think this will be an exciting project.
More updates tomorrow.
Hi All,
Thank you for posting the comments and photographs. Its good to know that despite the culture shock, that you are all doing well.
Scott & Kathy Watson
Hello Eisner clan!
I love reading about your latest adventures in Guatemala. It sounds like things are going well for everyone. It was so awesome to see an updated picture of junior.
Well I just wanted to say hi and let you know I think of you all often and I am praying for you. I can't wait to see you!
I love you
Wachel :-)
Abigail: I want to hear about everything from your trip when you get home. We'll have to hang out while I'm home on break, okay? I love you buddy :-)
hi all, I like the pictures of your girls that you posted. ruth york
Ken, Joy, & Girls,
Wow...Ken you seem to have your hands full, and Joy your work load sounds just as tedious. I'll be praying for your patiance and your mental strength. for you miss Abigail...I will pray that your night terrors vanish right were they sit...
"be gone you naughty ants, be gone with you... I say!" I sure do hope that you get a good nights sleep pretty girl.
Are you having fun with your friends? Is the food yummy? Would you give Emma a kiss on the forehead for me?
Hey Abs...tell Daddy, Mommy, & Emma Snickers is doing wonderful. She loves running as fast as she can with Carly outside, she doesn't even mind that the snow is up to her chin. She is eating and pooping well and loves the liver biscuits Greg got for her. I know she can't wait to see you again...I'm sure she will kiss you all over when she does.
Well love to you all,
The Terry Family
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