I officially now don't like flying creatures, or fast running ones, or snakes. The jury is still out on the dog.
Now I shall try to be a little more serious.
We just had an amazing weekend! Every year in Guatemala there is a missions retreat weekend. This year it was hosted up at the lake, which is amazingly beautiful. (It was nice to get out of the congested city and see some beauty for a little while.) We basically took over two of the larger hotels in town, and used the missionary retreat center for children's camp. The whole thing was amazing. A "servants team" flew in from Pennsylvania, and another from Texas, and still another from Scottsdale (I assume Arizona) to make the weekend successful. There was a speaker and worship team provided by Green Acres Baptist Church (a 15,ooo member church in Texas.) There was a complete children's program, we really only saw the kids at lunch and after 9 pm. Programs for singles, high schoolers, married couples, you get the idea. In addition to all that, get this - people fly down to give us free hair cuts, manicures, pedicures, and massages. Free - that's crazy. These teams not only pay their own way, they raise $500 each towards offsetting the conference fee for missionaries. I still can't believe that - it was amazing.
Beyond all that, there was one really important thing we gained from this weekend. A new friend, that is a girl, for Abigail. She has, unfortunately, had a really difficult time transitioning as many of you know. The clique situation in her class is quite bad (at least for Kindergarten) and she is the only new girl, we think the only girl MK, and the only American girl. Odds sort of stacked against her there. Anyway, we have been praying for some time (and we thank those of you who have prayed along with us) that God would provide her a friend like her. This weekend that finally happened.
The story actually starts before we even arrived in Guatemala. We were at CTEN orientation with a few other couples that were heading to Guate, and one in particular we really enjoyed being around. We sort of kept in touch, but had only seen each other once (very briefly) since we moved to the country. They live a few hours away from here, and honestly we just hadn't tried very hard. All that will now change.
After the first night of camp we had reconnected and were standing around waiting for the kids to come back. I think I had already told our colleague, and friend, Don of the hard time Abigail was having. Talk had also happened about how his kids were struggling being the only Americans in their school. How excited I was when the kids came back and they had all played together? Not nearly as excited as I was when Ali leaned in on the way back to our rooms and gave Abigail a giant hug. You know, I think that is the first hug she has had from a girl her age since we left the United States. I, of course, started to cry immediately. Then Ali, Aidan, and Abigail all linked arms and walked together. It was a good weekend indeed.
Now we look forward to making the drive up to Chichicastenango (that's a mouthful huh) where the Logan's live so that we can all spend more time together. We have intentionally planned Abigail's birthday party for a time when the twins can be here. Please join us in praying that this will be a lasting friendship.
I am including a link to the Logan's blog about the weekend so you can see thoughts on this story, and the importance of MK friendship, from another parent. Don writes really well, and has captured the essence of what we often feel as parents in this strange world. Please, take the time to read it - and take the time to check out their families ministry as well.
Off to attempt to sleep, with the covers around my ears, the night light on, and the mouse traps set.
Thank you for updating your blog. Sorry Snickers cannot locate your mouse for you. I have also looked at Don's site and can see anew how God is working. When talking of the kids, it brings tears to my eyes but encourages us to pray.
That's wonderful Joy! I'm so happy for Abigail and that you all had such a great retreat.
So glad for your great weekend and the good news of Abigail and her friends. I have been praying each day for all of you, but especially that she would find her "friend." Lots of NJ hugs sent your way. Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear how we can pray. I'll be praying for those things that move in your house. All of them. :)
Jan for all the Weltes
Joy, I am so happy to hear that Abs has found a friend and really hope that the birthday party happens. It will be so nice for her. I know the move is/was difficult for everyone but I think it was especially hard for Abs, she loves her friends back home so much, she must have been so lost, it breaks my heart. Hopefully things will continue to improve and all your goals will be met.
Loren just asked if I'd like to have friends go out to dinner for my birthday I asked asked him if he was going to fly you 2 up for dinner!!! love ya bambi
As hard as it is THANKS for your ministry and service. Love all of you VERY much!
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