Saturday, March 6, 2010

Comedy of Errors

It was to be a great day. We have been planning for a few days to make today our spring cleaning day. That was solidified when mice were found in our storage area. The plan, simple as it was - back the car out of the garage and empty the storage area out slowly into the garage - trying to find and destroy said mice. Well, we have reached a small snag. As Kenneth was backing the car out, he crashed into the spicket - sending water spraying everywhere. The gate guard/handy man is gone, the condo assocation head people are gone - and water is rapidly leaving the cistern. Enter the son of the assocation owner (how wonderful that in this culture they live with their parents until they get married.) He turns the water off at some hidden valve, leaving us with no water in our house. At least it is only our house. No big deal. Unfortunately the car is still sitting in the garage, well part way in the garage. See, while trying to not get the water in the car Ken closed the door, and it then proceeded to lock itself, with the keys in the partly on position, in the ignition. So, here we sit. Hoping that someone from the school will get here fast enough to jimmy the car so that the battery doesn't die. There was only supposed to be one thing dying today, and it wasn't the car battery!


Unknown said...

There are days like that!!! You are young, yet.

Ed & Ruth Wilson said...

Wow, what a day. Glad we were not there.
How is the sunburn