Monday, March 22, 2010


Guatemalan style at least. We got a call early this morning that school was canceled today. Apparently the bus drivers have gone on strike. Now that doesn't affect us in the traditional North American way, we don't actually take buses to school - so it's not like we needed them. We do however need to travel on the roads, and here when the bus drivers go on strike that becomes impossible. They take their buses and use them as roadblocks, blocking people from entering the capital. They have reduced the number of available streets to get in to 5, in a city of more than 2 million people. The boulevard running through our part of town is apparently open, but you wouldn't go on it unless you want to sit in traffic I'm guessing. What do you think would happen in the North if strikers did this?

1 comment:

Jon said...

I'm thinking that in the US at least one of those buses would be used to transport the drivers to the local police station.